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O Turismo é, nos dias de hoje, um dos setores em maior destaque em várias economias
nacionais. O grande crescimento verificado no setor estende-se a Portugal, onde foram
registados, em 2017, quase 21 milhões de turistas, sendo que a maioria dos turistas teve origem
fora do país. Por sua vez, o setor é fortemente influenciado pela era digital, que tem vindo a
impor mudanças nos processos turísticos. Dada a importância do setor, do contexto digital que
o influencia, e, mais especificamente dos serviços de alojamento local, tornou-se relevante
compreender como os novos hábitos dos turistas afetam a construção da imagem dos
alojamentos locais, tendo por base as suas opiniões, revisões e recomendações, alocadas nas
plataformas de reserva online de alojamentos. Assim, o presente estudo visa analisar a imagem
criada na mente dos turistas, durante os momentos que antecedem a viagem, e, em específico,
na escolha do alojamento local, tendo como fonte de informação os comentários alocados nas
plataformas de reserva online de alojamentos. Para a concretização da investigação, foram
recolhidos e tratados um total de 2210 comentários, retirados das plataformas,
Hostelworld e TripAdvisor. Os comentários datam de quatro meses (janeiro a abril de 2018), e
dizem respeito a nove alojamentos locais portugueses que alcançaram reconhecimento a nível
internacional, e que estão localizados nas duas cidades portuguesas mais conhecidas – Lisboa e
Porto. Para proceder à análise do conteúdo, recorreu-se ao modelo de Echtner e Ritchie (1991,
1993), que analisa a imagem de um destino quanto às seguintes dimensões: atributos holísticos
e individuais, características funcionais e psicológicas e o caráter comum ou único das
características do destino. Neste sentido, verificou-se que os hóspedes dos alojamentos locais,
tendem a percecionar uma imagem que tem por base os atributos relacionados com as
comodidades, as refeições e bebidas, a localização, a limpeza ou com os funcionários.
Nowadays, Tourism is one of the most important sectors for many national economies. The relevant growth is noticed in Portugal, where, in 2017, were registed almost 21 million tourists, which the majority come from other countries. The sector has been strongly influenced by the digital era that is transforming the way of doing tourism. Given the importance of the sector, and the digital context that has a clearly influence on it, and, more specifically, the importance of the lodging accommodations – that have been an alternative accommodation used by tourists, it has become relevant to understand better, how the new tourist habits affect the lodging accommodation image. To make it possible to understand the way tourists see the lodging image, web reviews, allocated in web platforms (eMediaries), with a tourism purpose, were the data source used on a content analysis. In total, 2210 web reviews were analyzed, allocated in three platforms:, Hostelworld and TripAdvisor. The final aim is to analyze the lodging image created on consumer’s mind, during the moments before they go on their trips. The content analyzed come from nine different lodging accommodations recognized internationally and situated in the most well-known Portuguese cities – Lisboa and Porto. The Echtner and Ritchie’s model (1991, 1993) was used to ensure the analysis. The author’s model sees a destination image in three dimensions: its holistic or individual attributes, its functional or psychological characteristics and the common or unique character of those characteristics. Therefore, it has been verified that the guests of this lodging accommodations, tend to perceive an image related with attributes about the amenities, the meals and drinks, the location, the cleaning or with related with the staff members.
Nowadays, Tourism is one of the most important sectors for many national economies. The relevant growth is noticed in Portugal, where, in 2017, were registed almost 21 million tourists, which the majority come from other countries. The sector has been strongly influenced by the digital era that is transforming the way of doing tourism. Given the importance of the sector, and the digital context that has a clearly influence on it, and, more specifically, the importance of the lodging accommodations – that have been an alternative accommodation used by tourists, it has become relevant to understand better, how the new tourist habits affect the lodging accommodation image. To make it possible to understand the way tourists see the lodging image, web reviews, allocated in web platforms (eMediaries), with a tourism purpose, were the data source used on a content analysis. In total, 2210 web reviews were analyzed, allocated in three platforms:, Hostelworld and TripAdvisor. The final aim is to analyze the lodging image created on consumer’s mind, during the moments before they go on their trips. The content analyzed come from nine different lodging accommodations recognized internationally and situated in the most well-known Portuguese cities – Lisboa and Porto. The Echtner and Ritchie’s model (1991, 1993) was used to ensure the analysis. The author’s model sees a destination image in three dimensions: its holistic or individual attributes, its functional or psychological characteristics and the common or unique character of those characteristics. Therefore, it has been verified that the guests of this lodging accommodations, tend to perceive an image related with attributes about the amenities, the meals and drinks, the location, the cleaning or with related with the staff members.
Alojamentos Locais Comentários Online Digital Imagem de Um Alojamento Local Imagem de Um Destino Turístico Internet Plataformas de Reserva Online Turismo