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Este relatório apresenta o percurso e as principais conclusões decorrentes do projeto de investigação “Tempo e tecnologia: uma abordagem de género para o contexto português”, integrado no programa PIHM (Programa para a Igualdade entre Homens e Mulheres), apoiado pela CIG (Comissão de Cidadania e Igualdade de Género) e financiado por Fundos FEDER, através do Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade – COMPETE e por Fundos Nacionais, através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. (PIHM/GC/0037/2008)
O objetivo geral da investigação passou por averiguar o caráter genderizado nas conceções e no uso tanto do tempo como da tecnologia, no âmbito do espaço doméstico, por parte de pessoas que vivem numa relação conjugal. A tecnologia contemplada abrange: aparelhos de apoio às lidas domésticas; tecnologia de informação e comunicação; meios de transporte. Aplicou-se uma metodologia mista (inquérito por questionário; entrevistas; grupos de fócus) nos distritos de Castelo Branco e Braga. Uma primeira conclusão aponta para a diversidade dos efeitos da existência de tecnologias domésticas para a execução e duração de tarefas domésticas e de cuidar. Uma segunda é a maior permeabilidade, provocada pela tecnologia, entre os contextos domésticos, pessoais e profissionais, o que tem consequências positivas e negativas para os atores e as atoras. Uma terceira é que as tecnologias originaram uma mudança apenas limitada na divisão generalizada do trabalho doméstico. Não é o instrumento que define o uso, mas o uso define o significado do aparelho, e o género do utilizador é de importância significativa.
Report of the research project «Time and technology: a gender approach for the Portuguese context», which took place between 2009 and 2012 in the Portuguese districts of Castelo Branco and Braga, making use of the survey method, focus groups and in-depth interviews. The major objective of the research was to assess the gendered character of the conceptions and the use of time and technology, among individuals living in a marital relationship. Widespread is the view is that technology in the domestic domain is a major means of time saving, and enhances well-being and promotes equality between men and women. However, several researches suggest that the relation between access to technology and time allocation is rather complex, and the results of the present research confirm this ambiguity. As such, we noted diverse effects of home-based technologies on the execution and duration of domestic chores and caring tasks. Another conclusion related to the technology-induced higher permeability between the domestic, personal and professional domains, which may be salutary but also stress-provoking. In addition, we found that technologies brought about a limited change in the gendered allocation of domestic work. These results confirm the assumption that it is not technology which brings about social change but rather the mutual interaction between technology and social context. It may be concluded that gender roles and gender identity are major factors affecting the perception and use of time and technology. The artefact does not define the use, but the use defines the meaning of the artefact, and the gender of the user is here of great importance.
Report of the research project «Time and technology: a gender approach for the Portuguese context», which took place between 2009 and 2012 in the Portuguese districts of Castelo Branco and Braga, making use of the survey method, focus groups and in-depth interviews. The major objective of the research was to assess the gendered character of the conceptions and the use of time and technology, among individuals living in a marital relationship. Widespread is the view is that technology in the domestic domain is a major means of time saving, and enhances well-being and promotes equality between men and women. However, several researches suggest that the relation between access to technology and time allocation is rather complex, and the results of the present research confirm this ambiguity. As such, we noted diverse effects of home-based technologies on the execution and duration of domestic chores and caring tasks. Another conclusion related to the technology-induced higher permeability between the domestic, personal and professional domains, which may be salutary but also stress-provoking. In addition, we found that technologies brought about a limited change in the gendered allocation of domestic work. These results confirm the assumption that it is not technology which brings about social change but rather the mutual interaction between technology and social context. It may be concluded that gender roles and gender identity are major factors affecting the perception and use of time and technology. The artefact does not define the use, but the use defines the meaning of the artefact, and the gender of the user is here of great importance.
Tempo Trabalho doméstico Famílias portuguesas Tecnologia Género
Universidade da Beira Interior e Universidade do Minho